Welcome to Lochaber High School

The website contains a range of information about the school, and I hope this provides you with a worthwhile introduction to our ambitions for our young people and our community. At Lochaber High School it is important we value and respect each of our young people and that we recognise and further develop the knowledge, skills and qualities they bring from our respective primary schools.
As a learning community we wish to promote a culture of high ambition, and high achievement and attainment as well as mutual respect for all. I believe strongly in meeting the needs of all our young people, providing the highest standard of education, and actively encouraging success now and into the future. As you will see from our social media links we want our young people to have fun and enjoy their learning within and beyond the classroom and as such we encourage participation in a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities. As you see below our young people gain success and recognition in their participation in local and national competitions.
Do not hesitate to contact the school if you need more information.
Mr Steele (Head Teacher)
Tha raon fiosrachaidh mun sgoil air an làraich-lìn, agus tha mi an dòchas gun toir seo beachd math dhuibh mu na h-àrd-amasan a th’ againn airson ar n-òigridh is ar coimhearsnachd. Aig Àrd-Sgoil Loch Abar, tha e cudromach gun cuir sinn luach air gach neach òg fa leth is gun toir sinn spèis dhaibh. Tha e cudromach cuideachd gun comharraich sinn agus gun toir sinn an tuilleadh leasachaidh air an eòlas, na sgilean is na feartan a bheir iad leotha bho na bun-sgoiltean eadar-dhealaichte aca.
Mar choimhearsnachd ionnsachaidh, tha sinn airson cultar de dh’àrd-amasan a chur air adhart, a bharrachd air coileanadh is buileachadh aig ìre àrd agus spèis do gach neach. Tha mi a’ creidsinn gu làidir ann a bhith a’ coinneachadh nam feumalachdan fa leth aig gach neach òg, a’ toirt seachad foghlam aig an ìre as àirde, agus a’ brosnachadh soirbheachas an-dràsta agus san àm ri teachd. Mar a chì sibh bho na ceanglaichean againn air na meadhanan sòisealta, tha sinn airson ’s gum bi spòrs aig ar n-òigridh agus gun còrd e riutha a bhith ag ionnsachadh taobh a-muigh is taobh a-staigh an t-seòmair-theagaisg, agus mar sin tha sinn a’ brosnachadh com-pàirteachas ann an raon farsaing de chothroman neo-churraicealach. Mar a chì sibh gu h-ìosal, bidh ar n-òigridh a’ soirbheachadh is a’ togail cliù tro bhith a’ gabhail pàirt ann am farpaisean ionadail agus nàiseanta.
Na biodh maill oirbh fios a chur chun na sgoile ma tha tuilleadh fiosrachaidh a dhìth oirbh.
Lochaber High School’s Vision, Values and Aims
After extensive consultation the school community amended and updated our vision, values and aims.
Support, Challenge, Inspire!
At Lochaber High School we wish to promote mutual respect, hard work and resilience. Equality, fairness and inclusion will underpin all that we do as we strive to nurture an able, confident and ambitious community.
At Lochaber High School we will:
• Strive to provide high quality learning and teaching which will challenge and inspire our young people to realise success.
• We will celebrate the uniqueness of our young people, our community and our learning environment.
• Encourage all our young people to develop their personal qualities and abilities by engaging positively with a wide range of activities and experiences within and beyond the curriculum.
• Value and treat everyone with fairness and respect so they feel included and nurtured within a caring, disciplined and supportive school community.
• Continue to develop productive partnerships with our associated local agencies to improve the well-being of our young people and families within our community.
After extensive consultation the school community amended and updated our vision, values and aims.
Support, Challenge, Inspire!
At Lochaber High School we wish to promote mutual respect, hard work and resilience. Equality, fairness and inclusion will underpin all that we do as we strive to nurture an able, confident and ambitious community.
At Lochaber High School we will:
• Strive to provide high quality learning and teaching which will challenge and inspire our young people to realise success.
• We will celebrate the uniqueness of our young people, our community and our learning environment.
• Encourage all our young people to develop their personal qualities and abilities by engaging positively with a wide range of activities and experiences within and beyond the curriculum.
• Value and treat everyone with fairness and respect so they feel included and nurtured within a caring, disciplined and supportive school community.
• Continue to develop productive partnerships with our associated local agencies to improve the well-being of our young people and families within our community.
Parents Night Booking SystemClick here to access our parents night booking system. Parental Guide for using the system can be found here. Adverse Weather ArrangementsPlease check the school Facebook page or the Highland Council page below. You can also visit The Highland Council School Closure Web Site: www.highland.gov.uk/schoolclosures |
Contact UsPlease use the contact form below for general enquiries.
English and Drama
Rotary Young Writer’s Competition, Regional Winner Neil Gunn Writing Competition, Winner Creative Writing - “Meeting Places” anthology published by the Saltire Society DYW Growing Future Assets Competition, Winner Health & Well-being Rotary Young Chef Competition, Finalists Springboard Future Chef competition, Finalists Rotary Young Chef Competition, Runner up in the Scotland and North of England Area Finals Springboard Future Chef, U.K Finalists Leanachan Challenge Cross Country, Winners |
UKMT Mathematical Challenges. These come with gold, silver and bronze awards. • junior challenge sponsored by Lochaber Housing • intermediate challenge sponsored by DYW • senior challenge Enterprising Maths Competition, Regional and National Finalists Maths Wae Nae Borders Challenge Mathematiques Sans Frontieres, Winner Music Scottish Concert Band Festival, Regional and National Finalists
Space School, Finalists Royal Observatory, Finalists Quantum Technology School, Finalist Engineering the Future for Girls, Finalists TechFest Engineering Fundamentals Course, Finalists NEXT Stem Essay Competition, Finalists |