We will be using an online system for gathering pupils' subject choices.
The Timetabler Options On-line System (TOOLS) requires pupils to log-in with a username and password that will be provided by the school. Once logged in they will be able to select their choices so we can then optimise our timetable to suit the pupil selections.
In the build-up to using this system our young people will have three lessons as part of their Tutor Support classes. This will help them make informed decisions about their subject choices.
Adapted versions of presentations can be found below.
The Timetabler Options On-line System (TOOLS) requires pupils to log-in with a username and password that will be provided by the school. Once logged in they will be able to select their choices so we can then optimise our timetable to suit the pupil selections.
In the build-up to using this system our young people will have three lessons as part of their Tutor Support classes. This will help them make informed decisions about their subject choices.
Adapted versions of presentations can be found below.