Senior Leadership Team
Scott Steele - Head Teacher
Specific Duties
General Duties
Faculty Duties
- Year Head for S6 (rolling remit)
- Responsible as an officer of the authority to contribute to the development and implementation of the ECS Service Plan and associated policies and practices.
- Contribute to the effective delivery of ‘Getting it Right for every Child’, through effective joint working with other agencies; the Associated School Group and appropriate public, private and voluntary bodies.
- Develop productive partnerships in the community within which the school is situated.
- Effectively self-evaluate the service that the school is giving to its pupils and to ensure that a culture of self-evaluation exists at all levels in the school.
- Ensure the school delivers a quality service, including specific strategies to improve identified weaknesses, taking the necessary action and developing strategies for the improvement of identified weaknesses.
- Promote and support learning and teaching at all levels and to encourage the sharing of best practice across the school and the authority.
- Promote achievement for all in a culture of equality and fairness that values every pupil. This to include the development of explicit, attainable and valued goals for each person.
- Developing the Young Work force initiative in line with Highland policy.
- Developing Career Management Skills across the curriculum.
General Duties
- Provide effective leadership, good management and strategic direction of the school.
- Lead and encourage a culture of respect and good behaviour within the school.
- Lead and develop staff, ensuring collegiality and the development, empowering and support of effective teams and individuals within the school.
- Lead and manage learning and teaching within the school ensuring the development of the overall curriculum.
- Engage with those in the school community and the parent body to encourage and support a culture of achievement and attainment.
- Lead and promote the continuing professional development of all staff, ensuring all staff receive an annual review of their development needs.
- Work in partnership with parents, children and young people and other professionals, agencies and schools to encourage and embrace the agenda of lifelong learning.
- Lead, support and maintain existing good practice and encourage and promote constant improvement in the development of children and young people.
- Manage the health and safety of all within the school premises.
Faculty Duties
- Management responsibility for: Design & Technology, English and Drama, Health & Well-being, and Maths.
Specific Duties
Faculty Duties
- Year Head of S1 (rolling remit).
- Responsibility as Year Head for enrolment of new pupils; behaviour management of pupils; liaison with Guidance and Support for Learning.
- Manage and develop pupil support in the school to include the co-ordination and harmonisation of guidance and support for learning contributions.
- Contribute to the effective delivery of For Highland’s Children through effective joint working with associated agencies and the Associated Schools Group (ASG).
- Co-ordinate strategies for pupils requiring intensive support.
- In liaison with Guidance Teachers, undertake an overview of attendance and punctuality of students.
- Whole School responsibility for Safeguarding and overall responsibility for Child Protection policy and procedures.
- Responsibility for the Behaviour Support Unit (PSB).
- Responsibility for the Support Base.
- Responsibility for Support for Learning.
- Liaison with external agencies on pupil support issues such as counselling, Youth Action Team input etc.
- Responsibility for LAC in partnership with other agencies.
- Develop partnerships with associated agencies to promote joint working and solution focussed approaches to the care and welfare of pupils.
- Develop pupil support partnerships within the Associated Schools Group to ease transitions.
- Post- school Transitions.
- SDS - 16+
- Responsibility for PEF and EMA.
- Liaison for pupil medical issues.
Faculty Duties
- Management responsibility for: Guidance, Support for Learning (mainstream, Glencoe House, Mamore House, Pupil Support Base) and the library.
- Direct line management for allocated staff and the provision of professional advice and guidance to colleagues.
- Promotion of and responsibility for the continuing Professional Development of allocated staff, ensuring that allocated staff have an annual review of their development needs.
- Monitoring, evaluation and reviewing of progress in teams – including discussion of attainment, engaging with individual and departmental self-evaluation and taking part in classroom observation.
- Regular attendance at Team Meetings in order to communicate significant issues between teams and the SMT.
Specific Duties
Faculty Duties
- Year Head of S4 & S5 (rolling remit).
- Responsibility as Year Head for enrolment of new pupils; behaviour management of pupils; liaison with Guidance and Support for Learning.
- SEEMiS Manager.
- Whole-school responsibility for Tracking, Monitoring and Progress Reports.
- Whole-school responsibility for learning and teaching, and classroom observation.
- Whole-school responsibility for subject choice and school timetable.
- Whole-school responsibility for Staff CPD and Professional Update.
- Delegated responsibility for Health & Safety and Evacuation Procedures.
Faculty Duties
- Management responsibility for: Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
- Direct line management for allocated staff and the provision of professional advice and guidance to colleagues.
- Promotion of and responsibility for the continuing Professional Development of allocated staff.
- Monitoring, evaluation and reviewing of progress in teams – including discussion of attainment, engaging with individual and departmental self-evaluation and taking part in classroom observation.
- Regular attendance at Team Meetings in order to communicate significant issues between teams and the SMT.
Stephen Stewart - Depute Head
Specific Duties
Faculty Duties
- Year Head of S2 & S3 (rolling remit).
- Responsibility as Year Head for enrolment of new pupils; behaviour management of pupils; liaison with Guidance and Support for Learning.
- Management of staff absence and cover arrangements.
- Management of SQA arrangements and organisation of prelim examinations and S3 examinations.
- Whole-school responsibility for curriculum design, curriculum policy, liaison with UHI, liaison with YASS and e-learning courses.
- Whole-school responsibility for self-evaluation strategies across all departments and faculties including analyses of SQA and SNSA data.
- School Regent responsible for student teachers and probationer teachers.
- Whole school responsibility for school trips through Highland "Evolve".
- Whole school responsibility for events.
- Whole school responsibility for digital technology.
- Whole school responsibility for mentoring programme.
- Organisation of Parents Evenings.
- Whole school responsibility for Pupil Voice.
Faculty Duties
- Faculty link for Business, Computing and Digital Technology, Expressive Arts, Languages and Social Subjects.
- Direct line management for allocated staff and the provision of professional advice and guidance to colleagues.
- Promotion of and responsibility for the continuing Professional Development of allocated staff, ensuring that allocated staff have an annual review of their development needs.
- Monitoring, evaluation and reviewing of progress in teams - including discussion of attainment, engaging with individual and departmental self-evaluation and taking part in classroom observation.
- Regular attendance at Team Meetings in order to communicate significant issues between teams and the SLT.
Staff List
Admin & IT Applications of Maths Art & Design Biology Business Chemistry Computing Design & Manufacture Design Technology Drama English Engineering Science Environmental Science Foundation Apprenticeships (Various) French Gaelic Geography History Hospitality Human Biology Mathematics Mental Health & Wellbeing Modern Studies Photography Physical Education Physics Practical Metalwork Practical Woodwork Psychology RMPS Skills for Work (Various) Sports Coaching Biology
Mr K McIntyre (PT) Mrs I Beagent Mrs R Gartshore Miss S Jeffrey Chemistry
Mrs L Kelly (PT) Mrs S Doherty (Computing) Mrs J Clark DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY
Mr W Cameron (PT) Ms M Goudie Mr J Shepherd ENGLISH/DRAMA/RME
Mrs J Hume (PT/English) Mr S Carruthers (English) Miss B Craig (Drama) Mrs N Fleming (English) Mrs V MacKinnon (English) Ms M MacLennan Miss S McGonigal (English) Mrs K McGregor (Drama/English) Mr I Welch (English) EXPRESSIVE ARTS
Mr G Young (PT/Music) Mrs M Anderson (Music) Miss V Barclay (Art & Design) Miss S Roebuck (Art & Design) HEALTH & WELLBEING
Mrs Y Clark (PT/PE) Mr F Gray (PE) Mr S Smith (PE) Mr C Vardy (PE) Mr E Watson (PE) LANGUAGES
Mrs C Groat (PT/Gaelic) Ms K Brennan (Gaelic) Ms M Mathieu (French) Ms A Virgel (French) MATHEMATICS
Miss J Calderwood (PT) Mrs J Brady (Maths) Miss M Cottam (Maths) Mrs S Doherty (Computing/Maths) Ms S Lawrie (Maths) Mrs C-A McCreath (Maths) Mr D Morrow (Maths) Mrs L Stewart (Maths) PHYSICS
Mr M Burke (Acting PT) Ms F MacDonald Mr J Ribeyron SOCIAL SUBJECTS
Mr M Colston (PT/History) Mr N Adams (Geography) Miss G Baxter (RMPS) Mr J Fairbairn (Modern Studies) Miss C MacMaster (Modern Studies) Miss L MacQueen (Geography) Mr D Roberts (History) Pupil Support/Guidance
Mr H Al-Khairulla (PT Guidance – Nevis) Mr L Beagent (PT Guidance – Lochiel) Miss M Kirkaldy(PT Guidance – Rannoch) Ms S McGonigal (PT Guidance – Shiel) Mrs K Jamieson (PT Support for Learning) Ms K Russell (PT Additional Support Needs) Ms Melissa Beacall (ASNT Glencoe House) Mrs C Drain (Additional Support Needs) Mrs K Glen (Additional Support Needs) Mrs J Macleod (Additional Support Needs) Mrs C Reynolds (Additional Support Needs) Mr A Ross (Additional Support Needs) Instrumental Instructors
Miss K Thomson (SI - Woodwind) Mr A Craig (Drumming) Ms S Freudenberg-Hamilton Ms C Hamilton (Strings) Miss M MacMaster (Piping) Mr M Reynolds (Brass) |
Mrs N Muir (Librarian) TECHNICIANS
Miss A Gow (Science) Mr A MacLeod (Technical) OFFICE
Mrs M Macdonald (Admin Assistant) Mrs K Donaldson Mrs G Johnston Mrs K Shearer Miss L Vickers FACILITIES MANAGEMENT
Mr A Elder Mr K Hamilton Mr A Ludborz Mr G MacGillivray Mr E Morrison Mr C Smith Mr G Soe-Paing GENERAL AUXILIARIES
Ms N Alvarez-Landesa Mrs K Ball Miss H Dougan Ms J Forbes Mrs N Gillies Miss R Ismail Ms K Kennedy Mrs M Kyle Ms A MacDonald Ms C MacDonald Mrs L MacDonald Mrs C MacIntyre Ms F MacLellan Ms N MacMillan Mrs C MacPherson Ms H MacRae Miss C Maxwell Mrs I McHale Mrs C McIntosh Mrs A McKerracher Ms A Moffat Mrs L Pescod Mrs F Rogan Ms L Stoddart Mr J Thomson School Nurses
Mrs J Anderson Mrs H MacEachan Ms S MacKenzie Mrs I Murray ACTIVE SCHOOLS COORDINATOR
Mrs L Oliver Ms R Lincoln |